Saturday 12 February 2011


This is my first blog ever. I'm going to use this blog to share information about myself, obviously, and to display my film creations. Whether it be my editing, acting, directing, writing - whatever - I'm going to put it out here to basically show what I've created and to publicize myself.

But first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Tara Tchablakian. I'm 18 years old. Currently living in London and studying at the Met Film School. I'm from Dubai. My mom's Singaporean and my pops' is Lebanese-Armenian. I've lived in Saudi and France but most of my life in Dubai (therefore I call it home). Before I wanted to do film I wanted to become an artist but then my school introduced "IB film" and decided to go for that. I instantly fell in love with the subject and found that doing homework for this class is more like a hobby than actual homework. So from about 16-18 I concentrated on becoming a filmmaker. I first wanted to do media studies and focus in the area before I made films but over the summer of 2010 I decided that I wanted to just focus on creating films and enrolled in the Met Film School. I've done a number of projects since I've been here and I'm willing to share them with you. Even my works that I've done before uni (as crap as they may be). 

I hope you enjoy this blog!

T Tchab

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