Monday 18 April 2011

The Aurora

I just saw one of the most beautiful videos ever and thought I'd share it with you guys out there.

I can't believe this is real. I can't believe that something like this can exist in the world and I've not come close to see anything like it.

The filmmaker of this art work, Terje Sørgjerd, chose to use such intriguing shots. In school, we learn that tracking shots are used to emphasize something. Here, Terje, has used tracking shots in nearly all of his shots, which sort of emphasize the enchanting beauty of the aurora. The music was also well chosen. I think it's meant to be grand and elevating. It's suppose to emphasize the beauty and the helps the audience realize that this is something so unique... So unbelievable. I do also get a little bit of the bittersweet undertone in the song though. It's like the music is teasing me... Telling me I will not be able to see something THIS beautiful.

Anyways, watch the video and tell me what you think.

Also, I just started 'pimping up' my youtube account so check it out:
There's not much on it yet but I will gradually update it. Definitely check out my favourite videos. I got some quality stuff on there.

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